There are well over forty-two million active facebook pages so if you need your facebook page to face out from the crowd you'll must grow your audience and get more facebook page likes.

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Here are 20 ways to increase quality Facebook Page likes for your business:

1. Invite Your Email Contacts

You can send your own invitations to your email contacts utilizing a general email service like Gmail. Keep in mind that Gmail has a sending restrict of 99 recipients per email and 2,000 emails per day.Use the BCC feature to incorporate the emails of many contacts directly and this may occasionally stop their emails from being shared with other people copied on the e-mail.But to make this really work, you will need to offer an incentive of some type such as access to free content such as an ebook or a video.A quick message and a link work better.

2.Invite People From Your Facebook Friend Lists

To invite friends to like your Page:

Click on your Page's cover photo.

Select Invite Friends.

Click Search All Friends to select a list or type a friend's name in the search box

Click the names of the friends you want to invite

Click Send Invites

As you add more people to your network, remember to go back to your same lists and send the invite to the new people you've added. The names of those who have already been invited will be whited out and the invite will only be sent to your new contacts.A more effective way than using the invite function is to send a customized message directly to your friends who are the most likely to join.Taking a few minutes to send customized inbox messages asking people to join your page will get more friends to join and pay attention to what you are doing with your page.

3.Link to Your Page In Your About Section as a Location of Employment

Your Facebook profile page is extremely noticeable so use this to your purpose by including a link to your page right below your profile picture.

Here's what your link will visible like when you set this up:

NOTE:If your facebook page is new and you do not have set of fans you may not be able to set this link up. As soon as your facebook page is established and has an established fan following it will show up and you should be able to create this direct link to your page.

4.Use Your Facebook Page For Cross Promotion

If you are the admin of various Facebook pages you can interlink your pages by liking one page with the other page, and vise versa.

Another way you can lead this feature for growth is to contact the admin of another Facebook page in your circle and offer to cross promote your page and also ask him to do a "like for a like" and "share for a share" cross promotion where you both post status updates recommending each others pages and many will jump at this opportunity for free promotion.

5.Know Your viewers

The better you know your audience the less complicated it's going to be for you to target your content and get quality results.

Click the insights chart on your Facebook page admin panel to access your demographics.

Sure to to access the insights for any of the pages you operate.

By figuring out the overall age and gender of your fans you can better target your content.

In addition to the age and gender of your audience insights additionally let's you know about the well-known popular counties, cities, and languages of your audience.

With more positive content you'll be able to attract more free fans since you'll get higher exposure in the news feed.

6.Use Strong Call To Action

f you don't ask audience to take action and 무료영화 like your page many people simply won't.

>So don't beat around the bush - come right out and tell audience to like your page.

>Build links to your Facebook page all over and include calls to action for audience to join your Facebook page in all of your marketing materials.

>7.Use Facebook Page Plugin

>This plugin gives you thousands of free fans for various pages.

>This plugin works for you , so long as the site you insert it into nets a steady stream of traffic.

>Installing this plugin into your site is easy: simply copy and paste the code into a the sidebar of your site.

>8. Install a Page Badge Into Your Site

>Facebook Badges are a simple but effective option to link to your Facebook profile.

>Unlike widgets badges are simply images, and will load faster than a social plugin.

>9. Apply The Status @Tagging Feature

>Status tagging is a fab and fairly new feature of Facebook.

>This function will draw traffic to your page by posting on the page of the brand or person you tag.

>10. Post Engaging Content

>Content is king.

>Posting engaging content is a excellent way to get your page to spread virality.

>Infographics are highly shareable and get high results.

>Watermark your images to get traffic if your content is shared outside of Facebook.

>Link to your fan page in the dscripttion. Be the first to share your post to a few similar groups after you post it.

>audience are more likely to share content after it has already been shared, and every time someone shares your content this involves a link again to your page that might lead to new fans.

>11. Connect Your Facebook Page With Twitter

>Connecting your page to Twitter is a great way to turn your twitter followers into Facebook followers.

>working out this strategy will cause all of your posts to be sent to twitter, with a link back to the Facebook version of the post.

>12.Get promotive Business Cards That Link To Your Facebook Page

>Business cards are cheap & powerful, this is the reason virtually all business people use them to this day. For the small investment that business cards you should use them gain several hundred new followers for your page!

>Throw a link to your Facebook Page on your card and some people will certainly assess it out.

>13.Blog Commenting

>Leave insightful comments on blogs and within the website section use a link to your facebook page.

>Try to write helpful, detailed feedback and these will draw more attention and get more people clicking via to your Facebook page to subscribe for more.

>14. Link to Your Facebook Page From Your LinkedIn Profile

>LinkedIn gives every user three slots for links to whatever you'd like right on your profile.

>You can make the anchor text of these links whatever you like, so we recommend using a call to action such as: Join my Facebook page.

>15.Upload Videos to Your Facebook Page

>Facebook videos are very cheapened, and can provide excellent way to drive traffic and Followers to your page if your video content is powerful enough for people to share it.

>When you embed a Facebook video on another website this video includes a watermark link in the high left corner to the facebook page it came from.

>16.Create a unforgettable Facebook URL

>If you go to you will be able to create a custom URL in your page.

>Note that your page username can't be changed once it's set, so choose cleverly.

>17.Watermark Your Graphics & Videos

>To watermark images use an image editing programe like Photoshop or the free web image editing tool pixlr

>For videos use a video editing program like Camtasia and include a link to your website.

>18.Send Your Fans to Your Blog

>Tell your followers to go check out your website when you submit new blog posts.

>If your blog promotes products or services this can clearly make you money when you post about new blog posts on Facebook.

>Create high quality content and you will be making a win/win situation since epic content can both pull traffic from Google, Facebook, and throughout a number of other social media websites the place your viewers share your content!

>Make sure your blog is organised with Facebook Like buttons and other social media buttons so your followers can easily share your content and deliver you free traffic.

>19.Track Your Growth with Facebook Insights

>Facebook insights shows you what number of fans you increase over time, and how you got them.

>know-how you can calculate and conclude which activities are driving the most growth for your page and increase these results to amplify your success.

>20.Be Active on Your Facebook Page

>The more active you are on your facebook page the more opportunities you give yourself to engage with your audience and get more Facebook page likes.

>If you have not posted on your facebook page in weeks or months the possibility of someone who notices this liking your page will reduce.

>These were all the strategies and methods that you can use to increase Facebook likes on your pages. If I missed any particular strategy, then don't forget to share it with us.

>I hope that you liked the article, so go and try out these methods to increase the likes on your Facebook page and come back here to share your experience with us.
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