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Maslany plays Sister Alice, the leader of the Radiant Assembly of God. Maslany's next project is Perry Mason, a "beautifully written" HBO miniseries following a criminal defense lawyer in 1932 Los Angeles. The press release describes her as: "Entertainer, politician, God's conduit to the City of Angels."

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While there's no improv in the tightly scripted audiobook -- "the writing is king," Maslany says -- the actress got to play with the voice of a brand-new clone named Vivi Valdez, the adopted daughter of Cuban immigrants who happens to be a CIA agent.

Cophine fans note it heavily features the smart-is-sexy couple. BBC America At least three of those concepts crop up in Chapter 1 of the audiobook, but it's all comfortingly accessible. Through multiple perspectives, you follow Cosima, Delphine, Valdez and other new clones as they unravel an ethically-dodgy government study into clone technology.
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