identification="mod_8372876">The Cult of your All-Seeing EyeWallace and Roosevelt, And Roerich Practice The Occult

If the person is not going to are aware of it, anybody who life in the usa of The usa, at some point realizes when they contend with Document Hard earned cash additionally, they start seeing The Good Close, startup even. As The Dollar is employed as Standard International Currency, this brilliant Seal gets to be baked into our Psyche if we understand VC funding Malaysia it. The Truly Amazing Seal can be a known symbol globally by equally free people today and indebted individuals.

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At the center of this Great Seal Mandala is definitely the All-Seeing Eye, it is an essential image to Freemasons and Rosicrucian tradition for centuries. It has to be no real shock that occultists are proud of the value of this emblem.

Reverse On The Great Seal

There have been previous tries to include the All-Seeing Eye to your Great Seal that failed to be successful. The very first initiatives at creating the fantastic Seal was really a kick the bucket slice from brass in 1782. Throughout the many years 1841, 1885 and 1825 and 1902, there were other dies designed but everytime the change proceeded to go uncut and had not been made use of. After all this at some point the Illuminati's plot for any New World Order possessed not advanced adequate to generate alone recognized.

The phrase New World Order has been utilized by enlightened Freemasons considering the fact that Weishaupt tried it to represent a 1 society federal government. Weishaupt believed it turned out vital to form a Universal government to guideline the world.

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Obverse In The Great Seal

Within the initially part of the twentieth century various victories over the sovereignty of the usa experienced already been accomplished. It was after these successes the Reverse from the Seal was utilized. Agents from the Illuminati which had been committed to the worldwide Government interests with the Rothschild-Warburg-Rockefeller Conspiracy, that had many techniques to the New World Order accomplished.

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The Federal Reserve Act of 1913 was a main stepping stone in developing the main one World Government. The League of Nations was proven in 1920. The Royal Institute of International Affairs, and Council on Foreign Relations was designed in (1920-21).

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The last step was the Foreign Banking created Stock Market Crash of 1929. Once these tiers had been put in set the incorporation of power had been carried out. It absolutely was the correct time for the Reverse side from the Seal, which the People of America was aware not a thing about more than 150 many years to certainly be put in the American Society.

Secret Societies That Have Interfered in American Politics

The Secretary Of Agriculture in 1934, Henry Wallace had become the Vice President in (1940-1944). Wallace was obviously a 32nd level Freemason, he referenced for consideration on the President a require to peppermint a coin representing the seal's obverse and invert. Like Wallace, Roosevelt have also been a 32nd level Freemason, he agreed with Wallace's proposal but thought to place it around the Dollar Bill rather then with a coin.Wallace made the report that the words in Latin, Novus Ordo Seclorum had the meaning of the latest Deal of your Ages.

When Roosevelt saw the reproduction on the Seal colored he was awed through the Symbol which represents the All-Seeing Eye. This mark denotes the truly great Architect to your Freemason Order. Roosevelt was interested that the New Order To The Ages were set up in 1776. May primary 1776 to generally be actual and might only be completed by the fantastic Architect. It absolutely was Roosevelt a 32nd education Mason that made the decision to place the good Seal around the pieces of paper money as an alternative to minting it on the coin.

Franklin Delano Roosevelt

Roosevelt And Secret Societies

Roosevelt gets the exclusive difference of releasing Socialism to the political technique of the usa. Not alone did he do this being a Freemason of High Rank. Roosevelt also belonged to another Secret Society. He was part of the Ancient Arabic Order of Nobles of your Mystics Shrine (also referred to as Shriners), he was at the degree of Knight of Pythias. The Transaction of Mystics and Nobles created itself considered to be affiliated with the Illuminati.

An American Branch of The Order was launched in Ny in 1872, By Freemasons Walter Flemming and William Florence. the only way a person could be a Member was if they had been a Freemason which had achieved the 32nd amount of the traditional and VC funding Malaysia Accepted Scottish Rite. Either that or people individuals the York Rite that obtained the best college degree, those of Knight Templar. Your Order of Mystics and Nobles can track down their beginnings entirely straight back to the seventh century. Rumour has it which the Order was designed from a descendant of Mohammad.

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An Order purposes the image of your Crescent Moon having a Pentagram, Urn and Pyramid engraved after it. The Crescent suspends coming from a Scimitar. This symbolizes the Universal Mother that had been worshipped in Ancient Religions being the Goddess Isis. The Horns of the Crescent stage downwards to depict the environment in the moon on the Old Religions during the Rising of the Sun of your New Religion in the Brotherhood of Humanity. That is because it is symbolized through the Order of Nobles and Mystics.

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Is Freemasonry Satanic Worship?

Shriner Ritual to getting a resemblance with a Satanic Ritual

Anton LaVey the man who launched the Church Of Satan evaluated a Shriner Ritual to getting a resemblance into a Satanic Ritual referred to as "The Ceremony with the Stifling Air". The Rite was commenced each time a participant was improved to the Sixth Standard of the transaction of the Knights Templar. Any Masonic Candidate that follows the York Rite can get a Knight Templar following finishing of the 13th standard of the transaction. After that accomplishment the choice can be a Shriner.

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LaVey explains the Ceremonial Rite. The Fifth Degree Rite from the Original Templars which well guided the applicant using a symbolic path through the Devil's Pass. This Pass was apparently based in the mountain ranges that distinct the East out of the West. Once the aspirant arrived at a fork in the street there were a decision to always be created. The applicant could preserve his latest personality or business onto the Left-hand Path to Shambhala. There the candidate could live in the Field of Satan since they have refused the hypocrisy and idiosyncrasies from the every day community.

The Ancient Arabic Order in the Nobles in the Mystic Shrine also possessed a equivalent rite that has been conducted within the Order's Mosques. To become a member of this purchase a Mason should make it to the 32nd standard of Freemasonry. To be certain they could not really arrested for Heresy the Nobles talk about the Devil's Pass as territory just where they could "worship on the shrine of Islam."

Right after the candidate concludes the right and achieves his degree, they have decided on The Left-hand Path, picking out Hell rather than Heaven.

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The Kingdom Of Shambhala

This can be alarming to Americans who happen to be not aware of the connection among members of government entities together with their association in Secret Societies. You would not be expecting classic gentlemen in Fez-Hats to be involved in such dubious rituals. Just about the most amazing parts of these rites could be the choice that this applicant has to accept the "Left-Hand Path to Shambhala." During the strange dogma of such Secret Societies Shambhala can be a city of an subterranean realm.

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During this Kingdom below the earth's area there exists an omnipresent and All-Seeing Ruler. He is professed to be King Of The Planet and is acknowledged by many titles, some call him Sanat Kumara, and others make reference to him as King Satan. This may not be as astounding mainly because it looks. The Bible calls Satan "prince" and "lord" and says which he retains influence over this decreased community.

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In Eastern Traditions, the King Of The Universe holds concept and have an impact on for the top of the entire world. Supposedly they have ten mil enthusiasts that are widely used to conduct his whims. All this is achieved without the earth's population being familiar with the fanatics. There seemed to be one of those fanatics that presented a significant affect on the President of the usa, it had been his Secretary of Agriculture Henry Wallace.

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The Illuminati Dollar Bill

Henry Wallace And The Connections On The Occult

Henry Wallace got several of his tips when he begun to follow a Guru by the name of Nicholas Roerich, Roerich was obviously a recognized Russian Painter as well as a Mystic.He was the sort of adventurer and occultist he traveled by way of Nepal and Tibet researching less than various Lamas in Buddhist Monasteries of these nations around the world. The same as Madame Blavatsky, Aleister Crowley andG. I. Gurdjieff, Roerich he put in a long time looking for the Lost Town of Shambhala.

Myth has it that this town of Shambhala will be the dwelling place of the Ascended Key and Experts Leaders with the Great White Brotherhood. This Brotherhood may be the force associated with the shaping as well as the guidance from the Freemasons, the Sufis, the Knights Templars, the Rosicrucians, the Hermetic Order with the Golden Dawn as well as the Theosophical Society.

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Wallace and Roerich both belonged on the Theosophical Society, it had been in this particular Society that Wallace became aquainted with his Master Nicholas Roerich. The Truly Great White Brotherhood supposedly used Roerich to be a Messenger. He even taken a strange natural stone for the League Of Nations, declaring he got it from his Ascended Masters.

The legend states that this 'Chintamani Stone' became a marvelous little bit of a meteorite that originated in a Solar System in the constellation of Orion. Roerich claimed that the gemstone was directed regardless of where a quest of spirituality that might be essential to humanity is usually to arise, after the quest is finished the natural stone should be went back.

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Wallace Roerich As Well As Mysterious Stone

Inside of a message to Roerich, Wallace described this Stone of Mystery"And We have idea of the admonition 'Await the Stone.' We get ready for the Stone so we welcome you yet again to the wonderful land of future." Most Occultists consent that it was Roerich who inspired President Roosevelt from the putting of America's Great Seal using the All-Seeing Eye. It had been via Wallace's perseverance that Roosevelt inevitably decided to print out the All-finding Eye about the American dollar.

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Henry Wallace enjoyed a heavy understanding of Occult Knowledge themself. He said in yet another message to Roerich "the lookup - whether it be for those missing term of Masonry, or Holy Chalice, or the potentialities of the time to come - would be the one supremely worth it aim. Everything else is karmic task. But certainly everyone seems to be a potential Galahad? So, can we strive for the Chalice as well as the fire earlier mentioned it."

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The Chalice can be a representation with the Holy Grail, The Rosicrucians saw the Chalice being a feminine token for your embodiment of flawlessness. The start of the Aquarian Age is really what is identified from the expression 'the era to come'. Aleister Crowley deemed The Age to come to signify identical to the "New Chronilogical age of Horus". It will turn up that Novus Ordo Annuit and Seclorum Coeptis has connotations in Occult Societies which the common person is unaware of.

Shambhala by Nicholas Roerich

Theosophist Conspiracy

Once the setting with the Reverse of The Great Seal was completed by three of the intelligent men, It proclaimed to the world that America was around the Path of Spiritual Evolution. It had been considered that humanity was staying modified into a advanced level of understanding.

Considering how sincerely the two Wallace and Roosevelt was attached to Occult Philosophies, as well as Wallace's connection to Theosophy, they had to keep in mind Alice Bailey. Alice Bailey was one of the more reputed Theosophist of her time. She obtained declared in 1932 the Aquarian Age was after us.

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The Reverse on the Great Seal was a Symbol as a Mandala proclaiming the "New Period of Horus". There is no doubt that they were aware about the need for the icon. Since Secret Societies experienced previously created the government Reserve, they definitely governed the Nations Currency.

Roerich built assertions he was able to station the Ascended Master El Morya, an important figure inside the Assemblage of Theosophy. Roerich explained that he or she was merely engaging in the bidding of the Ascended Masters. Apparently just after his loss it was thought that Roerich him or her self ascended in joining the hierarchy of your ascended Masters basically getting to be an equal to a Catholic Saint.

Elizabeth Clare Prophet now statements in order to channel Roerich themself with one communication getting been got on October 28, 1990 in the Roosevelt Hotel.

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The Secret Teachings of any age

The Societies of Mystery use symbols to be a vocabulary. Men through the entire age ranges have made an effort to connect their thoughts to each other from a signifies other then spoken words. People that experience theirselves enlightened select Symbolism like a a lot more successful and smart strategy to exchange their transcendental knowledge.

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A symbol may have significant which means to someone who may have been schooled in the Mysterious Ways. The common particular person will get a similar sign and perceive practically nothing unexpected. Thus, individuals who get amounts of better comprehension of medieval methods do not require to place their trust on the written word where it may possibly end up acknowledged by people who find themselves unworthy. The Seekers need to look for understanding in these spots where these folks were actually obscured.

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Eye of Horus

Symbolism from the Gods with the Egyptians and The Light

The very thought of signs is surely an helpful topic, grab the All-Seeing Eye, the Eye of Horus, or Eye of the Mind. All these icons are derived from the Egyptian Religion of your Light.

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When someone were to take notice they will see representations in the All-Seeing Eye everywhere in world. From Corporate Symbols to ingrained into your architectural mastery of ancient monuments and complexes, The All-Seeing Eye is available anywhere.

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Why does Dollar Bill Possess a Pyramid and Seeing Eye on it.

The Good Seal to pronounce the development and destiny of America!

The Reverse on the Great Seal is undoubtedly an incomplete pyramid. Its counsel is humanity itself, becoming imperfect and unfinished. Floating higher than the pyramid could be the Holy Symbol of Esoteric Orders, the Triangle made up of the All-Seeing Eye.

There is just one description for those origin of these kinds of signs, Secret communities which immigrated to this region one hundred and 50 years prior to when the Revolutionary conflict.

This Symbol was encouraged by Mysterious Orders to always be put on The Excellent Seal to broadcast the future and production from the Nation!

Great Spiritual Awakening - The Occult Conspiracy

Why Henry Wallace was adamant about putting The Great Seal into the foreign currency of America was on account of his understanding that the usa was accomplishing a fantastic converting point in heritage.

Also, he thought that there are Great Spiritual shifts taking place to humankind. He considered that the good Spiritual Awakening would exist in the 1930s and that awakening will bring on the Ultimate One World State.

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Rosicrucian and Masonic Origins by Manly P. Hall

Dr. Robert R. Hieronimus

Dr. Robert R. Hieronimus gained a doctorate in 1981 for VC funding Malaysia his research over the meaning and history of your Great seal. Dr. Robert R. Hieronimus do exploration over a huge range of themes pertaining to the fantastic Seal.

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I really do not believe that any individual that has lived in the world did even more research to reveal the secrets with regards to solution communities in the track record of the usa of America.

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He checked into the Rosicrucian and Freemason beliefs in the American founding fathers. He established how the Great Seal is surely an initiatory mandala to indicate the starting of a international and nationwide modification.

Symbol from the Left Hand route!

The Left Hand Path

The Left Hand Path is a program of beliefs who get direction from a or a number of deities thru faith based rituals. In addition they attempt to acquire understanding, in addition they hope to attain increased powers of instinct and reason. There are numerous fans of the Left-hand Path who want to grow to be nearer to their archetype/deity, you will discover other folks who want to turned into a divinity theirselves.

Left-hand Path Religious Systems start using a deity more inside a symbolic circumstance. The affected person participating in the device employs it largely with regard to their possess freedom. It can be with problems that one could blend the religious and low-spiritual parts of the road. Both groupings share a typical goal, truly the only distinction between the organizations could be the method of apply.

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Shambhala: Searching for the newest Era

You can find a large number of stories pertaining to Shambhala as well as "King of the World" that has been spread all through Theosophical Societies for the switch with the 20th century.

The exact area of Shambhala is contested through the a lot of Secret Societies which claim its reality. There are several who think about it a no-physical realm that could just be used from the brain.

Madame Blavatsky stated to acquire built contact with a Great White Lodge of Himalayan Adepts, she mentions Shambhala frequently without the need of delivering any particulars about it. Shambhala as instructed by Blavatsky is a real real place like the headquarters from the Great White Lodge, but will basically viewed by the deserving aspirant.

Alice Bailey and also the Roerichs the two distressed the presence of Shambhala. Bailey thought about it as a sort of extradimensional or psychic reality. The Roerichs experienced it existed in both the faith based and real worlds. There are numerous twentieth century occultists who look at Shambhala like a host to damaging power by an satanic entity related to an international conspiracy.

A painting by Nicholas Roerich

The Chintamani Stone The Magical Meteorite

There was clearly a Black Stone of your Ka'abaof Mecca and even from the Ancient Shrine of Cybele (The Mom Goddess) on the Near East a large number of occultists observed was a sheet of amagical meteorite (The Chintamani Stone).

This rock was considered to have come to planet from a pv program in the constellation Orion, most probably Sirius. Tibetan Buddhists believe some this gemstone is mailed every time a religious quest that is definitely important to the human race takes place. whenever the goal is completed the material returns to its origins.

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Nicholas Roerich explained he is in thing of one of them rocks within the unsuccessful League of Nations.

Several of Henry Wallace's words to Roerich declined into the hands and fingers of his political opponets. These were not revealed in 1940 when Wallace went as Roosevelt's V . P . throughout his thirdly term. When Wallace made a decision as a measure to manage for President in 1948 in the Progressive Party admission. The letters were actually unveiled for the hit.

Symbol on the New World Order!

Just What All-Seeing Eye Means To Occultists

The All Seeing Eye could very well be the oldest image of any deity. The Triangle is definitely an historical Cabalistic image. The descent of your strange eye combined with the triangle as a capstone to this very monument is rather important to individuals of all the days and Nations.

The quote ‘Novus Ordo Seclorum' is undoubtedly an alteration on the word Magnus Soeclorum Ordo, which means a mighty get of the grows older delivered over.

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The Egyptians contemplated the All-Seeing Eye like a icon in the lord Osiris the Creator. Osiris was showed as an Eye over a Sceptre.

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The All-Seeing Eye is also known as the attention of Horus and the Utchat Eye, it is a token of your Egyptian God Horus as well as his dad Osiris.

Satanists reference the 'mal ochio' (satanic eyesight) and its a symbol of Lucifer.

The Greeks considered sunlight being the Eye of Jupiter or the Eye on the planet.

Symbols of Satanism: The All-Seeing Eye

The Serpent And Adam And Eve

Whenever they ate the berries of your shrub of knowledge of decent and evil, the Holy bible history claims the serpent created a assurance to Eve and VC funding Malaysia;, Adam their Eyeballs could well be launched. In Hebrew the phrase "view" can be converted as Knowledge. The phrase opened up can be converted as Broadened.

They could widen their awareness as long as they eaten the berry from your Shrub of Knowledge. That is definitely

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So essentially exactly what the serpent offered Adam and Eve. The most mysterious thing about this storyline is the fact that Hebrew term for "Eyes" is not really in plural variety but in singular develop.

So actually precisely what the Serpent relayed to Eve and Adam was their Eye could be broadened by Knowledge. This Eye referred to in scripture will not be the organ of view, it will be the eyes with the mind or spirit.

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The Hindu Religion calls this singular eye when the Third Eye of Premonition. It can be named the Eye of Horus in Egypt. It is the All-Seeing Eye within the Freemason Society.

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There are various Societies now despite the fact that they are certainly not linked, they make states to be chapters of your Original Mystery Religion. They use a similar emblems similar to the All-Seeing Eye.

They also believe that they contain the similar familiarity with the so called Secret Doctrine. It is far from the Lord explained in the Bible, even though this symbol could be representative of a Our god. This can be a Eye in fact it is an lighting that it is Man that is God.

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Alice Bailey's Planetary Logos

Alice Bailey wrote the phrase The All-Seeing Eye is set in reference to the Planetary Logos to be used to see all all forms of the planetary auto.

The Planetary Logos as explained by Alice Baily is really a Trinity of Satan. The transaction of your Trinity is as adheres to.

[Shamballa: Ruler - Sanat (Satan) Kumara]

[Hierarchy: Ruler - The [Anti] Christ ]

[Humanity: Ruler - Lucifer ]

This is the Eye of Shiva the All Seeing Eye and is also the attention which directions the Will Of Deity.

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There is no doubt that Roerich was aware what exactly objective the image was to symbolize. It is actually representative of the Spiritual Future of the us. The All Seeing Eye symbolizes the Spiritual Hierarchy of Light, also known as the Silent Watchers on the psychic development of the human race.

From the Four Lipka Lords, the one who is nearest our planetary Logos is named the living serpent. The logo with this Lord is usually a Serpent of light blue tone with an individual eye as a ruby on its head. Seekers who choose to use this Symbol can delve further within the understanding to get in touch this thinking with all the Eye of Shiva which notices all and realizes all.

Any good can implement the method of the All-Seeing Eye to allow theirselves to get hold of their disciples the place ever before they are really. They could correspond using their affiliates on this planet along with the next earth the type and planet a Triangle. With the ways of initiation the Seeker increases a interaction with the Planetary All-Seeing Eye.

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Very extensive job! So, if nobody even notices, lots of exciting items that are getting what is the best need to freak all people out still its almost as. "Pay no care about the person powering the curtain! " ~ The Wizard of Oz

CatholicMason My history is when the close up have been on our forex. We have a excellent history I understand about the location where the secure actually has come from. Maybe sooner or later I am going to produce a centre describing the actual creation of the great close.


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Loads of study, sad to say it can be functions of stories revealed as point. Try using some REAL information:

Wasn't put into practice being a Masonic symbol till 1819., even though

The "EYE" for the US money expenses was accepted by Congress in the US Close in 1782>

The Close up of the us was created by low-Masons. That's

Even more critical. On Independence Day, fourth July 1776, a 4-gentleman committee was produced to design a close up for your new nation. The gents ended up John Adams (non-Mason), Thomas Jefferson (low-Mason), Benjamin Franklin (Mason) along with the performer Pierre du Simitiere (low-Mason). The American governing administration reports show Benjamin provided "absolutely nothing" associated with a Masonic characteristics towards the types regarded.

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It was actually Simitiere who contributed the desnged to your committee, which were accepted and added the attention of Providence inside a triangle. Congressional guide John Hopkinson (non-Mason) and performer William Barton (low-Mason) -- beneath the administration of Secretary of Congress Charles Thomson (non-Mason) -- designed the last design and style and modifications layouts towards the US Seal.

Charles Thomson expressed: "The Pyramid indicates Strength and Duration The Attention around it as well as the Motto allude towards the several alert interpositions of providence in favour on the American cause>"

"Annuit Caeptis" means "an individual [likely Providence, due to the Eye] has nodded at [our] beginnings"

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