As the report said, "The absence of guidance on MCAS or more detailed use of trim in the flight manuals and in flight crew training, made it more difficult for flight crews to properly respond."
Not much, which was a factor in the Indonesian crash. What kind of MCAS training did 737 Max pilots receive?

It's a link Boeing owns, he said, and one that a software update will fix. As with the Lion Air crash, the sensor on the Ethiopian plane may have been damaged, causing it to feed erroneous data to the MCAS system. On April 29, during Boeing's annual shareholders meeting in Chicago, then-CEO Dennis Muilenburg said the incorrect data was a common link in a chain of events that led to both crashes.

"We commend Indonesia's KNKT for its extensive efforts to determine the facts of this accident, the contributing factors to its cause and recommendations aimed toward our common goal that this never happens again," he said. Following the Lion Air report, Muilenburg said the company is "addressing" its safety recommendations.

23 the company announced that he had stepped down. Has Boeing made changes to its leadership? 11, Boeing announced it had taken away his role as chair so that as CEO, Muilenburg could "focus full time on running the company as it works to return the 737 Max safely to service." Muilenburg spent the next two months resisting calls for his resignation from his other position, but on Dec. Though Muilenburg apologized to the victims' families in an interview with CBS News (CNET News is published by CBS Interactive, a unit of CBS) in May, he came under sharp criticism for his response to the crashes.
Yes, but they didn't come quickly.

But on April 29, The Wall Street Journal reported that even for airlines that had ordered it, the warning light wasn't operating on some Max planes that had been delivered (a fact the Indonesian accident report confirmed.). Peter DeFazio, a Democrat from Oregon, and Rick Larsen, a Democrat from Washington, said they'd obtained information suggesting that even though the plane maker knew the safety alert wasn't working, it decided to wait until 2020 to implement a fix. 

Airplanes are delivered with a baseline configuration, which includes a standard set of flight deck displays and alerts, crew procedures and training materials that meet industry safety norms and most customer requirements. "All Boeing airplanes are certified and delivered to the highest levels of safety consistent with industry standards. Customers may choose additional options, such as alerts and indications, to customize their airplanes to support their individual operations or requirements."

The second crash occurred on March 10, when Ethiopian Airlines flight 302 departed Addis Ababa Bole International Airport bound for Nairobi, Kenya. Aboard were 149 passengers and eight crew members. Just after takeoff, the pilot radioed a distress call and was given immediate clearance to return and land. But before the crew could make it back, the aircraft crashed 40 miles from the airport, six minutes after it left the runway. The aircraft involved was only four months old. 

Before crashing, the Lion Air pilots were unable to determine their true airspeed and altitude and they struggled to take control of the plane as it oscillated for about 10 minutes. Each time they pulled up from a dive, MCAS pushed the nose down again.  The report identifies nine factors that contributed to the crash, but largely blames MCAS. 25, the Indonesian National Transportation Safety Committee published its final report on the Lion Air crash.

29, 2018, Lion Air flight 610 dove into the Java Sea 13 minutes after takeoff from Jakarta, Indonesia, killing 189 people. What happened in the two crashes? That aircraft was almost brand-new, having arrived at Lion Air three months earlier.  The flight crew made a distress call shortly before losing control.
In the first crash, on Oct.

MCAS received scant mention. Instead, they learned about the differences it brought through an hour's worth of iPad-based training. To do so, Boeing and the FAA treated the Max as another 737 version, rather than a completely new airplane.  Though MCAS was new to the Max, existing 737 pilots didn't have to train on a simulator before they could start flying the Max. It was because Boeing, backed by the FAA, wanted to minimize the cost and time of certifying pilots who'd already been trained on other 737 versions.

"There is no greater priority for our company and our industry," Boeing said in a March 13 statement. "We are doing everything we can to understand the cause of the accidents in partnership with the investigators, deploy safety enhancements and help ensure this does not happen again."

As is common after a crash, Boeing didn't comment on preliminary findings of either investigation, but on March 11, the company said it would issue a software update that would include changes to MCAS, pilot displays, operation manuals and crew training.

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